Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Stage Update

Latly I have been learning alot about shadow Buffer lighing techniques and i have applied them to the stage for this film, as you can see i have changed the feel of the set to a much more darker, cooler feel.

The greatest aspect of this new lighing setup is the rendertime
This image: 2:39mins
Old setup: ~50mins

I won't be using raytracing anymore as it takes too long to render, may use AO on the characters but not the stage

well see ya's later

Monday, January 22, 2007

Rigg revision4

Here is the crrent state of the rigg revision4

this rig is alot better then all previous revisions as it has a proper bendy spine with 3 controls, inproved foot rigg with alot less bones overall, it contains a hip bone and obviously custom bone shapes which makes it easier to see what postion the bones are in

generally its a great new rigg all over

some functionality needs to be added aswell as doinfg the deform groups and driven shape keys, thegeneral rigg is finished :)

well see ya's later

Saturday, January 20, 2007

once again, A new Sub-Zero!!!

MakeHuman is now a standalone app and produces great models, with great topology (edge flow)
and come already UV mapped (alot better then mine).
So i Have decided to to use a makehuman model instead of my crappy thing, this also means i will have to rebuild the rigg again, which is ok as i needed to rebuild the rigg as it would have been a nightmare to animate

the image is a comparsion of ythe new subbie and the old

see ya's all

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

More Practice animations

yes I have been practising animation lately and i thought i might share my results with you guys

here they are
Ball interaction
walk then jump

they are in .mp4 and was made in blender2.43CVS(testing build) as i used the new renderpasses and render layers and composite node in the rendering of these anims

the character is called mancandy it is a community model and rigg designed to help new commers to blender, made by Bassam Kurdali, director of elephants dream